Version 3.0 Software to accompany: PARALLEL FINITE ELEMENT COMPUTATIONS by B.H.V. Topping and A.I. Khan 1995: ISBN 1-874672-00-8 Published by: Saxe-Coburg Publications ************************************************************************* DISCLAIMER: ============== THIS SOFTWARE IS INTENDED FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY THE AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS DO NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITS USE ************************************************************************* To extract the software make a directory on your hard drive and copy the contents of this drive to the subdirectory. Give the command: BK_V3 -d The software on this disk has been written to run on a PC computer with T800 transputers using the 3L Parallel C compiler. Details of the sub-directories are as follows: \BAT: This subdirectory includes DOS batch files for compiling, linking configuring and executing the transputer source code. It is suggested that you look at the README.TXT file in this subdirectory before you study any of the other subdirectories. \ADAPT: Software corresponding to Chapter 5: Parallel Adapative Mesh Generation includes analysis, error estimator and parallel triangular mesh generator \SGM: Software corresponding to the subdomain generation method described in Chapter 10. \SIMON: Software for domain decomposition using Simon's method in C \FARHAT: Software domain decomposition using Farhat's method in C \PLOTS: Software for plotting data files. Data may be plotted to the screen using the software in subdirectory \PARDR: Software for the parallel Dynamic Relaxtion method includes sub-directory \NEWDR: Updated version of PARDR by P. Ivanyi \CGFEM: Software for the parallel conjugate gradient method \ALLDATA: Contains all the data files for the book with a few more In each of the above subdirectories you will find some data files which correspond to the examples in the book. In addition a subdirectory called \DATA in each of the above subdirectories includes the data that was used to generate the figures in the book. This data may be used for comparative purposes. The subdirectory \ALLDATA includes all the data from the examples in the book. N.B. You may not be able to generate the solutions exactly depending on what type of processor you run the programs on. This is particularly true when using the mesh generator with very small elements. \PLOTS: includes a series of programs for graphical display of data and results from the software on this disk. There are three subdirectories for this directory: \PLOTC: contains a plotting programme for the pc screen written in C \PLOT_PS: contains two sub-directories. They contain plot programmes for producing postscript output. C and FORTRAN versions are provided. The FORTRAN version is likely to be more fully debugged. \ADDPLOTS: contains a program to add two postscript plots together in a postscript file \NEW.PLO: contains the latest version of the postscript plot plot program in C by B. Cheng All MAKE files in the subdirectories below assume that you have placed your 3L Parallel C compiler in a directory: E:\TC2V2\ If not edit these MAKE.BAT files accordingly. This software is intended for research and educational purposes. Please do not expect professional full debugged or quality assured code. Please feel free to use the data sets for benchmarking your own procedures. Please send me copies of publications, reports or papers you prepare using the software or data. Enquires concerning the software may be sent by regular mail, fax or E-mail. No telephone enquiries please. The equiries may be sent to: Professor B.H.V. Topping